El Mobiliario

Furniture is a ubiquitous entity. Move your eyes anywhere, in houses, offices or any other commercial space, furniture is omnipresent. Considered to be a product design or a decorative piece of art, it is something you can’t do without. What the heart is to the human body, furniture is to the room. Without it, space has no eminence. Talking specifically about the fixtures in our houses, they play an inevitable role in making space get a finished look. It’s the little things in life that matter the most. Taking a cue from this, the furniture aspect of any household defines how the room turns out to be in totality. So let’s get ready to talk about furniture.

Whether yours is beautifully antique, handily thrifty, desperately-purchased-when-you-realized-you-had-nothing-to-sit-on, or of any other furniture variety we always want to make sure we make the best buy for our homes. When it comes to crafting the perfect home, every design enthusiast knows that a furniture can make or break a space. Be it custom-made or classic, choosing the right pieces can elevate your entire home aesthetic.

“Life feels uncertain and chaotic”, I’m sure most of us can resonate with this thought, which is why the furniture trend is drifting to a more simplified home interior. Multifunctional furniture has managed to catch the interest of millennials. The current surge in downsizing is the driving force behind a plethora of ingenious and urbane furniture solutions. Many of which are not only inventive but very “à la mode” as well. Furniture makes a great focal point and it decides the flow of movement of any space. The furniture you choose to fill your rooms is undoubtedly an expression of your unique sense of style. Some of us may flip over the simplicity of Scandinavian interiors, while others may prefer the collectivist comfort of a more eclectic design. Either way, it speaks volumes about our persona.

If you’ve ever been inside a luxurious living or dining room, you must have noticed the excessive use of nature-oriented details- flowers, plants, pinecones etc. These elaborate nature decorations are a part of a long tradition stretching back to ancient civilization. Greek design patterns remain a basic design element in a wide range of classic furniture and décor. Spend a bit of time looking at antique furniture and you’ll likely notice many flowing elements that look like confetti. A return to handcrafted authenticity in furniture and buying decorative pieces of art can give out a total “Maharaja” vibe to your abode.

Being a furniture connoisseur means having opinions about wood. But the rarer and more desire-able a wood is, the more expensive it will be to get a whole set of furniture made from it. Furniture makers use veneers in an artful way that creates fancy surfaces in a different pattern, for example, a book-matched, asymmetrical pattern where alternating pieces of veneer are flipped over so they face each other like pages in a book, or pie-matched, which often looks like a sunburst of wood.

It’s easy to overlook the finishing touches, the fine details, and the trim. But just as a good belt completes a classy outfit, a piece of furniture is made all the more swank when its edges are beveled or chamfered. A surface that does not form a right angle with the adjacent surfaces is said to be beveled because a world with only right angles would be downright boring.

Furniture matters the most when a design is implemented as furniture brings function to space. It determines what space should do. Analyzing how space will be used and what activities will take place in that space marks the programming phase of interior design where furniture is involved. Imagination and invention go hand in hand. Remember how lack of resources was never a problem in childhood games? Shift a few pieces of furniture around the living room, and you have yourself a fort.