‘It is obvious that everyone in the world loves Nature’. The obsolete thing about the above sentence is everyone forgetting that they are the mere responsible for Nature whether it is good or bad. Before COVID-19 it is observed that Nature is dilapidating its beautiful nature due to human evil activities. Where the climate activists struggling for this issue all over the world. Fortunately, during this pandemic situation, due to the lockdown of the most unconventional activities that harm environment nature is healing itself. Before letting the mother earth down again let us join our hands and minds to save our earth. It should be remembered that if we let the earth sustain herself then it will let us sustain up to full through herself. 

As to celebrate World Nature Conservation Day, July 28th, 2020. Let us know a few things that we can do it in our homes for sustainable living. Such as: 

  • Encouraging community participation in protecting, conserving and sustainable management of things by creating awareness. 
  • Wastage of food and water should be discouraged. 
  • Using lights, fans, and air conditioner etc. Only when it is required. 
  • Proper usage of water through taps. Every drop that counts in daily usage because it creates scarcity during summers. 
  • Rainwater harvesting and division of collecting wastes that is dry and waste for biogas and recycling things like plastic. 

In the architectural perspective, various architects are practising the sustainable way of architecture. Architects must consider site landscape, rainwater and stormwater management etc. In planning any building.  

“As an architect, you design for the present, with an awareness of the past, for a future which is essentially unknown”. – Norman Foster 

These are the five sustainable architecture strategies 

1. Passive Sustainable Design 

Passive sustainable design includes the consideration of sun orientation and climate when living indoors and outdoors that decides the placement of doors and windows etc. 

2. Active Sustainable Design 

The architect should consult mechanical and electrical engineers to implement the high-efficiency system of electrical, plumbing, HVAC, etc. To improve the lifestyle of the user sustainably. 

3. Renewable Energy System 

Usage of Solar and Wind Energy in the mechanical system of Buildings that supports the Passive Sustainable Designs. 

4. Green building Materials and Finishes 

Consuming Green building materials such as timber, concrete and finishing materials such as carpet and furnishings from environmentally responsible manufacturing techniques or recycling materials. 

5. Native landscaping 

It is necessary to have native landscaping materials such as trees, shrubs, herbs according to the site that prevents the irritation to the ecology of the site. By planting trees that shade the roof and windows during the summertime it reduces the heat gain enters inside the building. 

6. Storm Water Management 

Implementing stormwater management system to the building that helps us to reduce the Runoff of Rainwater over the roofs and can store water for future usage. This storage of water let the ground to charge itself with groundwater table to prevent Environmental catastrophes. 

Be a part of saving the Mother Earth and sustainably enhance the development of Architecture. Happy World Nature Conservation Day!