1. My Montessori Garden Preschool, Vietnam by HGAA

This skillfully designed preschool focuses on method leaning. The frame classes are surrounded by gardens, where the children can feel the plants grow every day. The children have a lot of space to move around, even move up and down. This preschool is designed with a lot of thought process, making the preschool a safe and enjoyable space for all children.

2. Chuon Chuon Kim 2 Kindergarten, Vietnam by KIENTRUC O

This lego looking beautiful school captivates and stimulates meaningful cross interactions between the children and the adults. The school is designed to instigate a spark of curiosity that allows users of all ages to venture and explore the space. 

3. Nursery Capire, Mexico by RE+D

The concept of this building is the growth of a child. The building stands as an analogy for the growth that a child goes through, through experience. 

4. Bo Mon Preschool, Vietnam KIENTRUC O

This structure is an embodiment of functionality. Aesthetic and sustainability. It makes a very exciting atmosphere for its inhabitants. This preschool was crafted to become a part of its surroundings while still allowing the children room to grow and stand out. The play areas and the classrooms are intertwined to make space an amalgamated whole that stimulates the children, making them happy and interested in learning.

5. NUBO Kindergarten, Australia by PAL Design

This beautifully stimulating and inclusive play center encourages learning, exploration, and boundless imagination. This school allows a complete interaction between the adults and the children. The open floor plan encourages curiosity and emphasizes creating everything. The overall design has a minimalistic approach that removes all unnecessary furniture and equipment. The open plan allows the kid’s creativity to flow with absolutely no restrictions.

6. EcoKid Kindergarten, Vietnam by LAVA

This safe, stimulating and sustainable design focus on encouraging curiosity, activity-based learning and interaction with nature. The playfully interconnected interior and exterior spaces, making a strong architectural statement. The design language uses organic shape, simple architectural line, primary colours, nature and different facades.

7. Classroom Makeover for The Blind, Thailand by Creative Crews

The design is a result of extensive research for the visually impaired. The main aim was to equip the visually impaired children with all fundamental skills for survival post-education. The facility was made flexible of a varying range of visual impairment. 

8. Yorkville North Kindergarten, China by IDO

The kindergarten adheres to an open teaching concept of love and fun. The design emphasizes embracing nature, personality development, and cultivation of exploration spirit. The design roams around the concept of an urban village, allowing the children to explore.

9. YM Nursery, Japan by HIBINOSEKKEI, Youji No Shiro

This is a project for kindergartens in Yonago, Tottori, Japan. This site is surrounded by nature, the sea as well as mountain rich environment. However, the former nursery setting is unvarying and not sensual, the same as the general world. Despite living with rich nature, the children could not feel natural.

10. SWM Nursery, Japan by HIBINOSEKKEI, Youji No Shiro

This nursery cultivated the concept of cultivating independence, where children are challenged to think outside the box. The site has a lot of greenery, the design was made porous to amalgamate the inside to the outside. This school focuses on kindling their curiosity and making them think creatively.